Monday, November 4, 2013

Secure Loved Ones

Secure Loved Ones

My heart dropped when my car skidded into the driveway. Dirt and bits of gravel kicked up into the air and made a cloud that expanded outward around the car as I hurried out of it. The front door was wide open and a puddle of blood trickled down the steps in front of me...


When the day is upon us, many people will move to protect families and loved ones. This is a legitimate first move (personally my first move as well). BUT THIS IS NOT FOR EVERYBODY. The reality is that some of us don't live anywhere near our families, so this move will have to be put on the back burner while the real possibilities are evaluated.

Is your family alive? The Zombie Apocalypse almost by definition dictates that people will die. FACT: The less prepared you are for this event, the more susceptible you and your loved ones are to death! Prepared or not, get to your vehicle quickly as possible. Once you arrive where your family is (or should be), do not waste a second. Survey the area quickly while approaching. Look for familiar faces and attempt to verify how bad the zombie attacks were before you arrived and if your family is still inside the target building and if they are alive. Proceed with extreme caution (while still moving as fast as possible) and with a cool head. Navigate around any zombies between you and the target building providing there aren't too many zombies blocking your path - fighting now would only slow you down and every second counts. Once inside, listen for desperate breathing. If your family is hiding inside, you may hear upset, staggered breathing as they attempt to remain hidden from the infected assailants outside. Whisper out "Psst! Is anybody here?" or something along those lines. It would be an epic fail to remain quiet, be mistaken for a zombie, and be seriously wounded accidentally by the very people you came to save! 

If your family is worth a damn they will already have supplies packed up in preparation for a world changing phenomenon such as the Zombie Apocalypse. If they are not worth a damn, scroll down to the next words you see in bold print.

If you do not find your family where they should be, maybe they were able to escape before you arrived. If you have a plan and are prepared, you will probably have a meeting point already designated in case of separation. If you are unprepared (and are making a valiant effort to remedy that condition via this blog) then it is necessary for you to brainstorm all the possibilities while high-tailing it to your car and getting back on the road. I would personally suggest starting your search with the most likely location, but without a plan it is really just a crap shoot. Have a plan with your family and friends.

Now, for the alternative - what the Zombie Apocalypse is truly about : Survival.

Could your family be dead? Sure. Most of us will not accept this notion without physical evidence. You see it all the time in movies when one person doesn't make it back to camp and the others struggle with how to proceed, like "Maybe he's still out there right now!" and ideas like that. In some cases one will get that "closure" from physical evidence in the form of an eerily familiar looking gaggle of zombies on the front porch. Some people will not have this irrefutable proof and will seek their families at any cost, no matter how slim chances are for a satisfactory outcome. 

There will even be people that will move on in their own best interests without even attempting to find and ensure the safety of loved ones. Dick move? Maybe. The need to survive can sometimes supersede thoughts and emotions. And some people are better at facing facts (and/or jumping to conclusions) than others. If the question is "What are the chances my 97 year old blind great grandmother who lives in that nursing home in Center City next to the hospital is still alive?", then we must consider that, while some of us would struggle with the gravity and very real circumstances surrounding such a thought, others would answer that question very quickly with "Fuck that bitch anyway!" Dick move? Maybe. Okay, this time it totally is. 

With your loved ones all gathered up (or not), the time has come to decide where your fortress is going to be. Do you think zombies will stop at a locked door? Long Term Survival will be best accomplished by selecting a defensible position and fortifying it. Just don't forget to bring beer (the zombie apocalypse is BYOB).

Twitter @Matt_InTheWoods

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