Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Handling Hordes

A single zombie is not much of a threat - especially for those of us who are prepared for their arrival - but hordes are a serious threat in the zombie apocalypse. Now you may be thinking, "I didn't really consider a horde..." or maybe "I still ain't fucking scared!" How would YOU mow down the horde? Are you going to get head shot after head shot with a rifle? Or are you going to use explosives? 

Oh wait, most of us won't have shit like that. So what are we to do!? 

The best way to handle the horde is to stay away from the horde - as far away as possible, duh. 5 Easy Ways To Avoid Hordes Of Zombies

There will be times when you can not avoid the hordes (like Black Friday). If this is the case, you want to pick your engagements very carefully (like Black Friday). Eliminate the fastest and closest zombies first (um...yeah) if you have a gun. 

Without a gun you will need to rely on your melee combat skills, which may be severely lacking at first. Unless you are a some sort of Kung-Fu Master. Or Chuck Norris (yeah I went there). 

For hordes, you will want longer melee weapons (like a lacrosse stick, one of those giant cotton swabs from American Gladiator, or a few of these blades) so that you can maintain some distance between you and the hungry assholes. Don't perform the Zombie Apocalypse Epic Fail - getting too close to a zombie (to punch his face piece in) and getting caught with a scratch or bite from one of his cronies - because then it is curtains for you! CURTAINS I TELL YA! 

Twitter @Matt_InTheWoods

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