Thursday, July 10, 2014

What About Super Zombies?

It has been 6 months since the initial outbreak. Some are worried about the evolution of the zombies - will they become better hunters due to their constant and unquenchable drive to feed? 

I challenge the traditional assumption that zombies are slow moving and weak individually. Where is the logic in that assumption? It is foolish to write off an adversary as weak and slow without at least considering the alternatives.

What if zombies kept some of their physical capabilities from human life? A body builder zombie that is stronger than some smaller humans? A marathon runner turned zombie that can outrun its human prey? Why are these ideas less plausible than the shambling, dim-witted, and ultimately easy to defeat idea of a typical zombie. Fat zombies would be much harder to hold a door closed against than small child zombies (yep, I went there).

It is then posited by some that zombies can have super strength or agility stemming from the infection that transformed them from human to flesh eating monster. These fringe ideas include all sorts of deviations from the standard assumption of zombie intelligence and ability, questioning the very basics of what we assume about zombies. Fast zombies? Flying zombies? A zombie that could kick the door down without breaking stride (zombie DEA)? Maybe zombies that could operate equipment? Or talk ("Hey, fresh brains!")?

For the most part, I cannot accept humans becoming infected, turning into zombies, and then getting super powers from the same infection that is ending their human lives. It seems a little campy - which really says something considering the entire concept of The Zombie Apocalypse And You! 

Fast zombies are conceivable to some degree - not super fast or unnaturally fast, but zombies that can move at similar speeds to regular humans. Why would an otherwise healthy human unfortunate enough to have been bitten by a zombie all of a sudden be reduced to shambles for his maximum speed? I doubt that someone who was slow in human life would all of a sudden become the Usain Bolt of zombies.  If Usain Bolt became a zombie, however, there may be no escape!

Twitter @Matt_InTheWoods

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